
2020 has transformed education systems all over the world. Physical presence in training or the classroom is no longer the only option.

Today, you have access to quality education whenever and wherever you want. There has never been a time in history when so many people have access to information and education. Until a hundred years ago, education and knowledge were a way to separate people from each other. Today it is democratized.


Here are some facts and statistics:

1. It's convenient:

Online training allows both the instructor, and the student to set their own pace of learning. This leads to a better work-study balance. It gives both parties more autonomy. The teacher massively reduces his or her workload, as the content can be recorded and reproduced or accessed indefinitely.

2. A wide range of options

The student can find any information and learning resources to fill their knowledge gap. The educator can tailor the content to meet the needs of his audience. Depending on the institutions and providers, you can receive a diploma, degree, or certificate.

3. It is cost-effective.

Institutions, schools, and training providers need to provide a physical environment for students to learn. This is no longer necessary. Online education is more affordable for everyone because the overall cost is very low. There is also a wide range of payment options that allow you to pay in installments or for a product, class, or training. The e-learning provider can accommodate an unlimited number of students compared to a previous school or university. This financial gain reduces costs and thus promotes education in a frugal manner. This increases the long-term earning potential.

4. Tailored learning

Online class sizes range from one to hundreds. Thanks to the various online tools, were class sizes can be reduced, sharing and learning can be deepened. This allows for greater interaction and feedback. During learning, the student has access to multiple multimedia resources such as videos, photos, e-books, quizzes, gamification, and more. This encourages different learning styles of individuals and accelerates learning. By using different tools, the edupreneur can make learning more exciting and therefore richer. Today's learners have the opportunity to receive more dynamic and tailored instruction this reduces the overall learning time massively.

5. Availability

You no longer have to sacrifice quality for availability. You can learn from anywhere and choose the highest-quality education. Your level of education is not limited by your ability to travel or commute. Instead of working around a structured school schedule, the learning plan works around you. This includes learning in a foreign language, as subtitles can be inserted and voice-overs can be spoken.

E-learning is no longer the future. It's the reality!

It's already a booming industry and getting more convenient every day. Furthermore, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about knowledge transfer. Yesterday's teachers and educators are becoming tomorrow's Edupreneurs. Your knowledge is just a click away.

If you want to stay afloat and want to know more, discover how you can tap into this $250 billion industry: Learn more here!


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash